TNI CEN/TR 419030
Označenie: | TNI CEN/TR 419030 |
Platnosť: | Platná |
Počet strán: | 32 |
Jazyk: |
Listinná verzia: | 17,20€ |
Elektronická verzia: |
a) Bez možnosti tlače, prenosu textu a obrázkov:
15,48€ b) Bez možnosti tlače, s prenosom textu a obrázkov: 17,20€ c) S možnosťou tlače, prenosu textu a obrázkov: 22,36€ |
Slovenský názov: | Racionalizovaná štruktúra na štandardizáciu elektronického podpisu. Postupy najlepšej praxe pre malé a stredné podniky (MaSP) |
Anglický názov: | Rationalized structure for electronic signature standardization - Best practices for SMEs |
Dátum vydania: | 01. 11. 2018 |
Dátum zrušenia: | |
ICS: | 35.020 |
Triediaci znak: | 36 9742 |
Úroveň zapracovania: | idt CEN/TR 419030:2018 |
Vestník: | 10/18 |
Zmeny: | |
Nahradzujúce normy: | |
Nahradené normy: | |
Poznámka vo Vestníku: | |
Predmet normy: | This Technical Report aims to be the entry point in relation to electronic signatures for any SME that is considering to dematerialize paper-based workflow(s) and seeks a sound legal and technical basis in order to integrate electronic signatures or electronic seals in this process. It is not intended to be a guide for SMEs active in the development of electronic signatures products and services - they should rather rely on the series ETSI EN 319 for building their offer - but it is a guide for SMEs CONSUMING e-Signature products and services. This document builds on CEN/TR 419040, “Guidelines for citizens”, explaining the concept and use of electronic signatures, to further help SMEs to understand the relevance of using e-Signatures within their business processes. It guides SMEs in discovering the level of electronic Signatures which is appropriate for their needs, extends the work to specific use-case scenarios, paying special attention to technologies and solutions, and addresses other typical ... |
Náhľad normy: | Náhľad normy (PDF) |