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  1. Domov
  2. TNI CWA 5643-1

TNI CWA 5643-1


Listinná forma

Pridať do košíka

Elektronická forma (pdc súbor)

Pridať do košíka
Označenie: TNI CWA 5643-1
Platnosť: Platná
Počet strán: 60
Listinná verzia: 24,40€
Elektronická verzia: a) Bez možnosti tlače, prenosu textu a obrázkov: 21,96€
b) Bez možnosti tlače, s prenosom textu a obrázkov: 24,40€
c) S možnosťou tlače, prenosu textu a obrázkov: 31,72€
Slovenský názov: Cestovný ruch a súvisiace služby. Požiadavky a usmernenie na zníženie šírenia Covid-19 v cestovnom ruchu (ISO/PAS 5643: 2021)
Anglický názov: Tourism and related services - Requirements and guidelines to reduce the spread of Covid-19 in the tourism industry (ISO/PAS 5643:2021)
Dátum vydania: 01. 07. 2021
Dátum zrušenia:
ICS: 03.100.01
Triediaci znak: 95 4005
Úroveň zapracovania: idt ISO/PAS 5643:2021, idt CWA 5643-1:2021
Vestník: 06/21
Nahradzujúce normy:
Nahradené normy:
Poznámka vo Vestníku:
Predmet normy: This CWA will consist of two parts: - Part 1: will be an endorsement of ISO/PAS 5643 Measures to reduce the spread of Covid-19 in the tourism industry - Part 2: will include other elements not covered by the ISO/PAS in order to complement it with European needs. The task of this Workshop is to identify gaps or additional requirements, elements, or sectors to be added to those outlined in CWA 5643 – Part 1. In alignment with ISO DPAS 5643, the CWA will apply to the whole tourism value chain, including the following subsectors: - Accommodation, including campsites, hostels, hotels and rural accommodation - Catering services and restaurants - Medical spas - Golf courses - Ski areas - Yacht harbours and nautical activities - Adventure and ecotourism - Beaches - Natural protected areas - Unique public spaces - Museums and heritage sites - Night leisure - Tourist bus companies, rent a car, cableway and tourism water transport - Tourist guides - Tourist information offices - Tourist visits - Travel agencies -
Náhľad normy: Náhľad normy (PDF)