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  1. Domov
  2. STN EN IEC 62954

STN EN IEC 62954


Listinná forma

Pridať do košíka

Elektronická forma (pdc súbor)

Pridať do košíka
Označenie: STN EN IEC 62954
Platnosť: Platná
Počet strán: 36
Listinná verzia: 17,20€
Elektronická verzia: a) Bez možnosti tlače, prenosu textu a obrázkov: 15,48€
b) Bez možnosti tlače, s prenosom textu a obrázkov: 17,20€
c) S možnosťou tlače, prenosu textu a obrázkov: 22,36€
Slovenský názov: Jadrové elektrárne. Dozorne. Požiadavky na prostriedky núdzovej reakcie
Anglický názov: Nuclear power plants - Control rooms - Requirements for emergency response facilities
Dátum vydania: 01. 10. 2021
Dátum zrušenia:
ICS: 27.120.20
Triediaci znak: 35 6618
Úroveň zapracovania: idt IEC 62954:2019, idt EN IEC 62954:2021
Vestník: 09/21
Nahradzujúce normy:
Nahradené normy:
Poznámka vo Vestníku:
Predmet normy: This document presents the requirements for the on-site emergency response facilities (referred to hereinafter as the “ERF”) which are to be used in case of incidents or accidents occurring on the associated Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). The ERF consists of the Emergency Response Centre (ERC), the Technical Support Centre (TSC) and the Operational Support Centre (OSC), as shown in Figure 1. It establishes requirements for the ERF features and ERF I&C equipment to: • coordinate on-site operational efforts with respect to safety and radioprotection; • optimize the design in terms of environment control, lighting, power supplies and access control of the ERF; • enhance the identification and resolution of potential conflicts between the traditional operational means and emergency means (MCR/SCR and ERF, operating staff and emergency teams, operational procedures and emergency procedures);
Náhľad normy: Náhľad normy (PDF)