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  2. TNI CEN/TR 13387-5

TNI CEN/TR 13387-5


Electronic version (pdc file)

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Name: TNI CEN/TR 13387-5
Validity: Withdrawn
Number of pages: 12
Paper: 9,70€
Electronic version a) Only read (without ability to print and copy) 8,73€
b) Without ability to print, with ability to copy (printscreen) 9,70€
c) With ability to print and copy (printscreen) 12,61€
Slovak title Výrobky na starostlivosť o deti. Pokyny na všeobecnú bezpečnosť. Časť 5: Informácie o výrobku
English title Child care articles - General safety guidelines - Part 5: Product information
Release Date: 01. 12. 2018
Date of withdrawal: 01. 09. 2023
ICS: 97.190
Sorting character/National clasification code 94 3000
Level of incorporation: idt CEN/TR 13387-5:2018
Official Journal 11/18
Replaced by: TNI CEN/TR 13387-5:2023-09 (94 3000)
Repleces: TNI CEN/TR 13387-5:2015-10 (94 3000)
Note in Official Journal:
Subject of the standard: Product information given in standards has a direct impact on safety. It should contribute to avoiding risks to the child. However, product information is not intended to compensate for design deficiencies and does not in itself make a product safer but is a means for the manufacturer to communicate with the user. Reasonable foreseeable misuse and risks of the product should be made explicit and adequate warnings be given. All product information should be in the language(s) of the country in which the product is sold. It should be presented so that it is unambiguous, legible and easy to read and comprehend. A risk analysis should be applied to identify those hazards for which safety-related product information is required.
Preview: Náhľad normy (PDF)