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STN EN 50107-3


Electronic version (pdc file)

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Name: STN EN 50107-3
Validity: Withdrawn
Number of pages: 36
Paper: 17,20€
Electronic version a) Only read (without ability to print and copy) 15,48€
b) Without ability to print, with ability to copy (printscreen) 17,20€
c) With ability to print and copy (printscreen) 22,36€
Slovak title Výrobková norma zahŕňajúca svetelné značky s výbojkami a/alebo s diódami emitujúcimi svetlo (LED) a/alebo s elektroluminiscenčnými (EL) svetelnými zdrojmi s menovitým napätím neprevyšujúcim 1 000 V, s výnimkou všeobecného osvetlenia a osvetlenia na núdzové a dopravné účely
English title Product standard covering luminous signs with discharge lamps and/or LED (light emitting diodes) and/or EL (electroluminescent) lightsources with a nominal voltage not exceeding 1000 V, with the exclusion of general lighting, traffic- or emergency related purpose
Release Date: 01. 03. 2019
Date of withdrawal: 01. 04. 2022
ICS: 29.140.30
Sorting character/National clasification code 36 0620
Level of incorporation: idt EN 50107-3:2018, idt EN 50107-3:2018/AC Oct.:2018
Official Journal 02/19
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Note in Official Journal:
Poznámka vo vestníku zrušenia: STN zrušená na základe CENELEC rozhodnutia D168/C073 o zrušení EN 50107-3: 2018.
Subject of the standard: A luminous sign, light-artwork or architectural accent lighting (finished functional sign, abbreviated: sign) shall comply with this product standard. The finished functional sign as a product fulfilling its intended purpose as luminous sign can be achieved by combining products with similar purpose through installation (according to HD 384/HD 60364 series) in order to yield a new product by itself. NOTE 1: The scope of this product standard is specified by the areas C,D and E in the figure of Annex A. NOTE 2: Even if the physical execution of a particular luminous sign might qualify the luminous sign to meet the requirements of a luminaire according to EN 60598, the exclusion of general lighting, traffic and emergency related purpose is intended to avoid the requirements of EN 60598 which are impracticable and/or impossible to fulfil for most luminous signs. To cover the special safety problems related with luminous signs, the present product standard is intended.
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