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  2. STN EN ISO 13680

STN EN ISO 13680


Electronic version (pdc file)

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Name: STN EN ISO 13680
Validity: Valid
Number of pages: 138
Paper: 36,30€
Electronic version a) Only read (without ability to print and copy) 32,67€
b) Without ability to print, with ability to copy (printscreen) 36,30€
c) With ability to print and copy (printscreen) 47,19€
Slovak title Ropný a plynárenský priemysel. Bezšvové rúry z koróziovzdorných zliatin používané na obloženie rúrok, sústavy rúrok, spájacie väzby a pomocný materiál. Technické dodacie podmienky (ISO 13680: 2020)
English title Petroleum and natural gas industries - Corrosion-resistant alloy seamless tubular products for use as casing, tubing, coupling stock and accessory material - Technical delivery conditions (ISO 13680:2020)
Release Date: 01. 12. 2020
Date of withdrawal:
ICS: 75.180.10, 77.140.75
Sorting character/National clasification code 45 0981
Level of incorporation: idt EN ISO 13680:2020, idt ISO 13680:2020
Official Journal 11/20
Replaced by:
Repleces: STN EN ISO 13680:2011-04 (45 1394)
Note in Official Journal:
Subject of the standard: This document specifies the technical delivery conditions for corrosion-resistant alloy seamless tubular products for casing, tubing, coupling stock and accessory material (including coupling stock and accessory material from bar) for two product specification levels: — PSL-1, which is the basis of this document; — PSL-2, which provides additional requirements for a product that is intended to be both corrosion and cracking resistant for the environments and qualification method specified in Annex G and in the ISO 15156 series. At the option of the manufacturer, PSL-2 products can be provided in lieu of PSL-1. NOTE 1 The corrosion-resistant alloys included in this document are special alloys in accordance with ISO 4948-1 and ISO 4948-2. NOTE 2 For the purpose of this document, NACE MR0175 is equivalent to the ISO 15156 series.
Preview: Náhľad normy (PDF)