STN EN IEC 60704-2-1
Označenie: | STN EN IEC 60704-2-1 |
Platnosť: | Platná |
Počet strán: | 28 |
Jazyk: |
Listinná verzia: | 14,10€ |
Elektronická verzia: |
a) Bez možnosti tlače, prenosu textu a obrázkov:
12,69€ b) Bez možnosti tlače, s prenosom textu a obrázkov: 14,10€ c) S možnosťou tlače, prenosu textu a obrázkov: 18,33€ |
Slovenský názov: | Elektrické spotrebiče pre domácnosť a na podobné účely. Skúšobný predpis na stanovenie hluku prenášaného vzduchom. Časť 2-1: Osobitné požiadavky na vysávače |
Anglický názov: | Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 2-1: Particular requirements for dry vacuum cleaners |
Dátum vydania: | 01. 04. 2021 |
Dátum zrušenia: | |
ICS: | 17.140.20, 97.080 |
Triediaci znak: | 36 1005 |
Úroveň zapracovania: | idt IEC 60704-2-1:2020, idt EN IEC 60704-2-1:2020 |
Vestník: | 03/21 |
Zmeny: | |
Nahradzujúce normy: | |
Nahradené normy: | STN EN 60704-2-1:2015-07 (36 1005) |
Poznámka vo Vestníku: | |
Predmet normy: | IEC 60704-2-1:2020 is applicable for the determination of airborne acoustical noise of mains operated and cordless dry vacuum cleaners for household use or under conditions similar to those in households. This part of IEC 60704 does not apply to vacuum cleaners for industrial or professional purposes. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) product scope is extended to cordless and similar vacuum cleaners; b) definitions of "cleaning head", "active nozzle" and "standard Wilton test carpet" have been added; c) specification of standard Wilton test carpet has been removed; reference is made to IEC/TS 62885-1; d) specific requirements on equipping and pre-conditioning have been added; e) topic ageing of test carpet is addressed. This Part 2-1 supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses in IEC 60704-1:2010. |
Náhľad normy: | Náhľad normy (PDF) |