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STN EN IEC 62351-6


Electronic version (pdc file)

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Name: STN EN IEC 62351-6
Validity: Valid
Number of pages: 44
Paper: 18,90€
Electronic version a) Only read (without ability to print and copy) 17,01€
b) Without ability to print, with ability to copy (printscreen) 18,90€
c) With ability to print and copy (printscreen) 24,57€
Slovak title Riadenie energetických systémov a výmena súvisiacich informácií. Bezpečnosť dát a komunikácií. Časť 6: Bezpečnosť podľa IEC 61850
English title Power systems management and associated information exchange - Data and communications security - Part 6: Security for IEC 61850
Release Date: 01. 04. 2021
Date of withdrawal:
ICS: 33.200
Sorting character/National clasification code 33 4622
Level of incorporation: idt EN IEC 62351-6:2020, idt IEC 62351-6:2020
Official Journal 03/21
Replaced by:
Note in Official Journal:
Subject of the standard: IEC 62351-6:2020 specifies messages, procedures, and algorithms for securing the operation of all protocols based on or derived from the IEC 61850 series. This document applies to at least those protocols listed below: IEC 61850-8-1 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation – Part 8-1: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) – Mappings to MMS (ISO/IEC 9506-1 and ISO/IEC 9506-2) and to ISO/IEC 8802-3 IEC 61850-8-2 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation – Part 8-2: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) – Mapping to Extensible Messaging Presence Protocol (XMPP) IEC 61850-9-2 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation – Part 9-2: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) – Sampled values over ISO/IEC 8802-3 IEC 61850-6 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation.
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