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  1. Domov
  2. STN EN 4861

STN EN 4861


Listinná forma

Pridať do košíka

Elektronická forma (pdc súbor)

Pridať do košíka
Označenie: STN EN 4861
Platnosť: Platná
Počet strán: 40
Listinná verzia: 18,90€
Elektronická verzia: a) Bez možnosti tlače, prenosu textu a obrázkov: 17,01€
b) Bez možnosti tlače, s prenosom textu a obrázkov: 18,90€
c) S možnosťou tlače, prenosu textu a obrázkov: 24,57€
Slovenský názov: Letectvo a kozmonautika. Metrologické metódy merania kinematických polí pomocou digitálnej korelácie obrazu
Anglický názov: Aerospace series - Metrological assessment procedure for kinematic fields measured by digital image correlation
Dátum vydania: 01. 06. 2021
Dátum zrušenia:
ICS: 17.180.01, 49.025.01
Triediaci znak: 31 0151
Úroveň zapracovania: idt EN 4861:2020
Vestník: 05/21
Nahradzujúce normy:
Nahradené normy:
Poznámka vo Vestníku:
Predmet normy: This document specifies the monitoring of mechanical tests and inspections performed both at the material (coupon) and at the structural scale by the implementation of kinematic field measurements by digital image correlation. This document describes an in situ method for evaluating the metrological performance of an extensometer system using image correlation for the delivery of displacement fields, and by extrapolation, of deformation fields. It can be implemented prior to the actual start of the test (or inspection). It will inform of the metrological performance in testing conditions. This document allows the metrological performance of the measuring technology to be quantified. The methodology described herein is not to be considered as a calibration step. This reference document does not exhaustively specify the constitutive elements of a generic system of Digital Image Correlation measurement. This reference does not address the measurement of 3D shapes via stereocorrelation systems.
Náhľad normy: Náhľad normy (PDF)