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  2. STN EN 13852-3

STN EN 13852-3


Electronic version (pdc file)

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Name: STN EN 13852-3
Validity: Valid
Number of pages: 112
Paper: 31,80€
Electronic version a) Only read (without ability to print and copy) 28,62€
b) Without ability to print, with ability to copy (printscreen) 31,80€
c) With ability to print and copy (printscreen) 41,34€
Slovak title Žeriavy. Pobrežné žeriavy. Časť 3: Ľahké pobrežné žeriavy
English title Cranes - Offshore cranes - Part 3: Light offshore cranes
Release Date: 01. 08. 2021
Date of withdrawal:
ICS: 47.020.40, 53.020.20
Sorting character/National clasification code 27 0046
Level of incorporation: idt EN 13852-3:2021
Official Journal 07/21
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Note in Official Journal:
Subject of the standard: This document applies to light offshore cranes including their supporting pedestals and structures. NOTE Supporting pedestal and structures such as columns and boom rests, are covered by this document to the extent where their main purpose is to support the crane. This document is applicable to light offshore cranes, whose structures are made of steel, and fulfil all of the following characteristics: - maximum rated capacity 15 tonnes or maximum static load moment 3 000 kNm; - limitation for off-board lifting operation up to Hs = 2,0 m and wind speed 15 m/s (3 s gust); - maximum number of working cycles class U1 (C ? 3,15 × 104) according to EN 13001-1. This document provides requirements for all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to light offshore cranes for lifting of goods and lifting of persons, when used as intended and under conditions foreseen by the risk assessment (see Clause 4).
Preview: Náhľad normy (PDF)