STN EN ISO 19901-10
Označenie: | STN EN ISO 19901-10 |
Platnosť: | Platná |
Počet strán: | 92 |
Jazyk: |
Listinná verzia: | 31,80€ |
Elektronická verzia: |
a) Bez možnosti tlače, prenosu textu a obrázkov:
28,62€ b) Bez možnosti tlače, s prenosom textu a obrázkov: 31,80€ c) S možnosťou tlače, prenosu textu a obrázkov: 41,34€ |
Slovenský názov: | Ropný a plynárenský priemysel. Špecifické požiadavky na pobrežné a morské konštrukcie. Časť 10: Námorný geofyzikálny prieskum (ISO 19901-10: 2021) |
Anglický názov: | Petroleum and natural gas industries - Specific requirements for offshore structures - Part 10: Marine geophysical investigations (ISO 19901-10:2021) |
Dátum vydania: | 01. 05. 2022 |
Dátum zrušenia: | |
ICS: | 75.180.10 |
Triediaci znak: | 45 0932 |
Úroveň zapracovania: | idt ISO 19901-10:2021, idt EN ISO 19901-10:2022 |
Vestník: | 04/22 |
Zmeny: | |
Nahradzujúce normy: | |
Nahradené normy: | |
Poznámka vo Vestníku: | |
Predmet normy: | This document provides requirements and guidelines for marine geophysical investigations. It is applicable to operators/end users, contractors and public and regulatory authorities concerned with marine site investigations for offshore structures for petroleum and natural gas industries. This document provides requirements, specifications, and guidance for: a) objectives, planning, and quality management; b) positioning; c) seafloor mapping, including instrumentation and acquisition parameters, acquisition methods, and deliverables; d) sub-seafloor mapping, including seismic instrumentation and acquisition parameters, and non-seismic-reflection methods; e) reporting; f) data integration, interpretation, and investigation of geohazards. This document is applicable to investigation of the seafloor and the sub-seafloor, from shallow coastal waters to water depths of 3 000 m and more. |
Náhľad normy: | Náhľad normy (PDF) |