STN EN 1455-1
Označenie: | STN EN 1455-1 |
Platnosť: | Platná |
Počet strán: | 40 |
Jazyk: |
Listinná verzia: | 18,90€ |
Elektronická verzia: |
a) Bez možnosti tlače, prenosu textu a obrázkov:
17,01€ b) Bez možnosti tlače, s prenosom textu a obrázkov: 18,90€ c) S možnosťou tlače, prenosu textu a obrázkov: 24,57€ |
Slovenský názov: | Potrubné systémy z plastov na kanalizácie vnútri konštrukcie budov (s nízkou a vysokou teplotou). Akrylonitril-butadién-styrén (ABS). Časť 1: Požiadavky na rúry, tvarovky a systém |
Anglický názov: | Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building structure - Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system |
Dátum vydania: | 01. 03. 2023 |
Dátum zrušenia: | |
ICS: | 23.040.01, 91.140.80 |
Triediaci znak: | 64 3500 |
Úroveň zapracovania: | idt EN 1455-1:2022 |
Vestník: | 02/23 |
Zmeny: | |
Nahradzujúce normy: | |
Nahradené normy: | STN EN 1455-1:2001-12 (64 3500) |
Poznámka vo Vestníku: | |
Predmet normy: | This document specifies the requirements for solid wall pipes with smooth internal and external surfaces, extruded from the same formulation throughout the wall, fittings and the system of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) and acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylester (ASA) piping systems intended for soil and waste discharge applications (low and high temperature): - inside buildings (application area code “B”); - for both inside buildings and buried in ground within the building structure (application area code “BD”). NOTE 1 The intended use is reflected in the marking of products by “B” or “BD”. NOTE 2 Application “B” covers uses above ground inside buildings, or outside buildings fixed onto the wall. NOTE 3 Pipes and fittings of the pipe series S 25 are intended to be used for application area “B” only. NOTE 4 For use buried in ground within the building structure are intended only those components (marked with “BD”) with nominal outside diameters equal to or greater than 75 mm. |
Náhľad normy: | Náhľad normy (PDF) |