STN EN ISO 17491-4
Označenie: | STN EN ISO 17491-4 |
Platnosť: | Platná |
Počet strán: | 32 |
Jazyk: |
Listinná verzia: | 17,20€ |
Elektronická verzia: |
a) Bez možnosti tlače, prenosu textu a obrázkov:
15,48€ b) Bez možnosti tlače, s prenosom textu a obrázkov: 17,20€ c) S možnosťou tlače, prenosu textu a obrázkov: 22,36€ |
Slovenský názov: | Ochranné odevy. Skúšobné metódy na odevy chrániace proti chemikáliám. Časť 4: Určovanie odolnosti proti prenikaniu rozstrekovanej kvapaliny (skúška postrekom) (ISO 17491-4: 2024) |
Anglický názov: | Protective clothing - Test methods for clothing providing protection against chemicals - Part 4: Determination of resistance to penetration by a spray of liquid (spray test) (ISO 17491-4:2024) |
Dátum vydania: | 01. 10. 2024 |
Dátum zrušenia: | |
ICS: | 13.340.10 |
Triediaci znak: | 83 2728 |
Úroveň zapracovania: | idt EN ISO 17491-4:2024, idt ISO 17491-4:2024 |
Vestník: | 09/24 |
Zmeny: | |
Nahradzujúce normy: | |
Nahradené normy: | STN EN ISO 17491-4:2009-02 (83 2728) |
Poznámka vo Vestníku: | |
Predmet normy: | This document specifies the test method for determining the resistance of chemical protective clothing to penetration by sprays of liquid chemicals at two different levels of intensity: a) Method A: low-level spray test. This is applicable to clothing that covers the full body surface and is intended to be worn when there is a potential risk of exposure to small quantities of spray or accidental low-volume splashes of a liquid chemical. b) Method B: high-level spray test. This is applicable to clothing with spray-tight connections between different parts of the clothing and, if applicable, between the clothing and other items of personal protective equipment, which covers the full body surface and which is intended to be worn when there is a risk of exposure to sprayed liquid chemical. This document does not apply to chemical permeation resistance of the materials from which the chemical protective clothing is made. |
Náhľad normy: | Náhľad normy (PDF) |