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  1. Home
  2. STN P CEN ISO/TS 7127



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Name: STN P CEN ISO/TS 7127
Validity: Valid
Number of pages: 72
Paper: 28,80€
Electronic version a) Only read (without ability to print and copy) 25,92€
b) Without ability to print, with ability to copy (printscreen) 28,80€
c) With ability to print and copy (printscreen) 37,44€
Slovak title Svetlo a osvetlenie. Informačné modelovanie stavieb, vlastnosti pre osvetlenie. Systémy osvetlenia (ISO/TS 7127: 2023)
English title Light and lighting - Building information modelling properties for lighting - Lighting systems (ISO/TS 7127:2023)
Release Date: 01. 02. 2025
Date of withdrawal:
ICS: 35.240.70
Sorting character/National clasification code 36 0078
Level of incorporation: idt ISO/TS 7127:2023, idt CEN ISO/TS 7127:2024
Official Journal 01/25
Replaced by:
Repleces: STN P CEN/TS 17623:2021-08 (36 0078)
Note in Official Journal: Táto predbežná slovenská technická norma je určená na overenie. Prípadné pripomienky pošlite do októbra 2026 Úradu pre normalizáciu, metrológiu a skúšobníctvo Slovenskej republiky.
Subject of the standard: This technical specification identifies and clarifies lighting properties for digital building design and maintenance. This document provides all the needed properties to design and to describe lighting systems. These properties are intended to be used for mapping between data providers and requesters. The mapping of the identifiers enables the exchange of luminaire and sensing device data within different databases. The unambiguous mapping and description of properties improves the data quality, reduces misinterpretations and the processing time in digital environments. Therefore, the properties listed in this document establish the essential description of lighting systems in BIM systems and databases. The listed properties in this document are used to structure the product data sheet which is complemented with real product information.
Preview: Náhľad normy (PDF)