STN EN 288-1+A1
Name: | STN EN 288-1+A1 |
Validity: | Withdrawn |
Number of pages: | 16 |
Language: |
Paper: | 14,10€ |
Electronic version |
a) Only read (without ability to print and copy)
12,69€ b) Without ability to print, with ability to copy (printscreen) 14,10€ c) With ability to print and copy (printscreen) 18,33€ |
Slovak title | Stanovenie a schválenie postupov zvárania kovových materiálov. Časť 1: Všeobecné zásady pri tavnom zváraní (obsahuje Zmenu A1:1997) |
English title | Specification and approval of welding procedures for matallic materials. Part 1: General rules for fusion welding (includes Amendment A1:1997) |
Release Date: | 12. 10. 1999 |
Date of withdrawal: | 01. 10. 2004 |
ICS: | 25.160.10 |
Sorting character/National clasification code | 05 0310 |
Level of incorporation: | idt EN 288-1:1992, idt EN 288-1:1992/A1:1997 |
Official Journal | 10/99 |
Amendments | |
Replaced by: | STN EN ISO 15607:2004-10 (05 0310) |
Repleces: | STN EN 288-1:1994-08 (05 0310) |
Note in Official Journal: | |
Subject of the standard: | Táto norma definuje všeobecné pravidlá stanovenia a schvaľovania postupov zvárania kovových materiálov. |