STN EN 300 938 V6.2.1
Name: | STN EN 300 938 V6.2.1 |
Validity: | Valid |
Number of pages: | 58 |
Language: |
Paper: | 21,40€ |
Electronic version |
a) Only read (without ability to print and copy)
19,26€ b) Without ability to print, with ability to copy (printscreen) 21,40€ c) With ability to print and copy (printscreen) 27,82€ |
Slovak title | Digitálny bunkový telekomunikačný systém (fáza 2+). Rozhranie pohyblivá stanica-systém základňovej stanice (MS-BSS). Špecifikácia vrstvy dátového spoja (DL) (GSM 04.06, verzia 6.2.1) |
English title | Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+) (GSM). Mobile Station. Base Station System (MS. BSS) interface. Data Link (DL) layer specification (GSM 04.06 version 6.2.1 Release 1997) |
Release Date: | 01. 08. 2001 |
Date of withdrawal: | |
ICS: | 33.070.50 |
Sorting character/National clasification code | 87 0938 |
Level of incorporation: | idt EN 300 938 V6.2.1:2000 |
Official Journal | 07/01 |
Amendments | |
Replaced by: | |
Repleces: | |
Note in Official Journal: | |
Subject of the standard: |